Monday, February 15, 2010


{الشيطان يعدكم الفقر ويأمركم بالفحشاء}

I cannot begin to explain the relevance of this verse in our lives... from where do I start?
For some, its the story of their lives...
He tells us that if we don't do this or that we're going to be poor for the rest of our lives, and sometimes it includes extremes... think of the extreme haram jobs and how they are justified...

Can you imagine the magnitude of subliminal messages the shaytan sends every minute.... many of our action's roots are results of unconscious decisions and whispers from the shaytan.
Stealing, gambling and transgression... education and working in haram settings and fields... and the list continues...

Look at people who love the dunya, examine their excitement level when they're engaged in something so dunya-filled as opposed to their expressions when learning about the akhirah... because their goal is materialistic and financial... the excitement level is so explicit.

Its overwhelming sometimes, when you're out in the world... people fighting and pushing to attain something of the dunya...

this verse comes to life.. {يعلمون ظاهرا من الحياة الدنيا وهم عن الآخرة هم غافلون}

the fight to get to school, physically and over time... to attain knowledge... 'knowledge is power' they think and say.... but its 'knowledge of the akhirah that is power'.

the shaytan tells us if you don't do these things, if you don't compete for the dunya you are in loss, and if you make hijrah you will be poor.

but Musa said {رب اهدني سواء السبيل} .. he had no idea where he was heading... and he came back with work, a family and wahiy.


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