Sunday, December 13, 2009

food.. to worms

One Day...

We will all be food to worms.
I looked at pictures today, pictures of dead people. I realized one day that will be me. I will be food to worms too. Will I leave behind a legacy? {واجعل لي لسان صدق في الآخر}
If you listen closely, the pictures talk to you, they tell you.. do the right thing before you die.

I don't get it. I don't understand how people can live for the near tomorrow. I don't understand how people have the motivation to excel in life, or even just to live, when they know we're all going to die.

What I do understand fully though, is that this is the inspiration for da'wah. Da'wah will have an effect on people because it is bringing truth to them, that they are lacking something... lacking a knowledge of what will happen after life, what the end of the matter of life is.

If we step out from the world, for just a minute though, we will look at it differently.. we will see people scattered every where rather than a group of a united nation. We should not be intimidated by masses, and resist conformity.

A muslim should realize that they have the most precious gifts of all, the understanding of life and the chance to live a good one... but if we don't share that with the world who will?

As you walk out everyday, to school, to work, to the supermarket .. you will see people whom to you will seem like they have the same goals and aspirations... they want to live... and they see what others do and do it.... its sad. Its sad that they don't look beyond materialism and beyond this life.

You might think, but there are religious people out there from different religions who do have goals and beliefs in life. But... {إن الدين عند الله الإسلام} and our job after reading the qur'an is realizing the secrets that happen behind closed doors and who rules those religions and how their books evolve(!!) based on what people want!

Our deen will remain the same because it is the truth walhamdulilah. The Qur'an will not change because it is the ultimate truth.

May Allah keep us steadfast.

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