Monday, November 16, 2009

heart greetings...

many people don't understand and appreciate the relationship between muslim guys and girls...

we don't have to stop and say hi to each other, chat and have a laugh just to show that there IS actually a bond between us...


sounds strange? but its true... a sister or a brother can walk by, lowering his gaze.. maybe say salam, maybe not... but neither would think that was rude!

if anything, lowering your gaze and showing this respect is in itself a greeting and an acknowledgement of agreeing with the qur'an and sunnah...

i am not saying its forbidden to talk, i am saying that it is unnecessary if its unecessary!

its actually cool!

one remembers that the prophet peace be upon him described muslims relationship with each other as a building, and the muslims are the different parts holding each other!

in this case, both bro and sister very well understand that, and so as not to stir any fitnah, and to keep supporting this building rather than ruining it by allowing shaytan to fill gaps... they exchange heart greetings. .. greetings of tawheed.

'yes, akhi/ukhti... لا إله إلا الله'... we're on the same boat.. may allah keep you steadfast.

this was the relationship the sahabah had with the mothers' of believers... they treated them with utmost, and i mean utmost respect, and only spoke with them when they needed to! which sometimes meant being taught by aisha radiyallahu anha.. but من وراء حجاب

some verses that come to mind
{وقل للمؤمنين يغضوا من أبصارهم}
{قال ما خطبكما قالتا لا نسقي حتى يصدر الرعاء وأبونا شيخ كبير* فسقا لهما ثم تول إلى الظل فقال رب إني لما أنزلت إلي من خير فقير}
{فجاءته إحداهما تمشي على استحياء قالت إن أبي يدعوك ليجزيك أجر ما سقيت لنا}!!

a brother not feeling comfortable speaking with a certain sister is actually a sign of honour and respect... he understands she's off-limits in times of unnecessity, and possesses self dignity!

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